Not completely sure if this photo illustrates the close partnership Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. John McCain enjoyed, or perhaps something more sinister? Or was it just one of those moments of temporary insanity?
Editor's note: This site was hacked, and the offending photoraph (is it?), or Photoshop job, was placed here without out permission. We took it down. Until we got a nasty note from another Sarah Palin blogger, who runs the Texas for Sarah Palin site. Sorry, Gary, there is still a first amendment, and as disgusting as the photo may be, well, this was someone's opinion. If it offended you, it must not be all that bad.
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3 months ago
This photoshop is disgusting, and you are disgusting for posting it. Please remove Texas for Sarah Palin from your blog and web site list. We don't want our blog to be even remotely associated with this rot.
- JP
Josh Painter - As you probably know, we did not post this picture. While it was posted on our site, we had nothing to do with it, and removed it as soon as we discovered it.
We removed your site in any case.
The only reason I even read this website is that you don't seem to be the same inbred hillbillies that run the other Palin sites. You actually seem to have a sense of humor, unlike that scold from the Texan site.
Do you really think it will hurt your site to remove the link to his? That's laughable. Was this Josh Painter the guy on the porch in Deliverance?
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