With the warm rush of Christmas coursing through America's veins, it's sad to note that Levi Johnston's mother, Sherry, is in shackles.
According to the liberal newspaper, the "New York Times":
Johnston, 43, was sentenced last month on her guilty plea in August to one count of possession with intent to deliver the painkiller OxyContin. Five other felony counts were dropped.
Levi, has been doing other things lately, and is likely to continue that path.
God bless.
Should we start a movement to pardon Mrs. Johnston?? This is not right! Thanks Geraldine for alerting us.
Isn't is obvious that Someone in the Palin camp has had her targeted by their pals in law enforcement? You relate the most amusing stories that Levi did about his one-time mother-in-law to be (on top of ducking out on his girlfriend and bun in the oven), and expect no retribution? With all due respect to Mona Goldwater, it bears deeper research.
Thanks to Geraldine for posting the totally hot photo. What I wouldn't give to see that towel drop about eight inches!
Give us more from Geraldine! I like where she is going!!!
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