Peter Andrew's take on the Conservative American website on why Sarah Palin stepping down was a brilliant move (indeed it was):
1.She can increase her income. While governor, Palin cannot accept payment for writing a book about herself or the 2008 campaign. This move allows her to likely quadruple her income by finishing the book, taking payment for that, then promoting the book with a book tour and making even more money off the sale of each book.
2.She can soon speak out more. ConservativeAmerican.org got a message from SarahPAC spokeswoman Meg Stapleton just the other day. Here’s what it said, “Remember that she is working on a book and cannot speak to previous works or the future of the Party - only to Alaska issues. Thanks! Meg.” To help sell her book, those publishing it are limiting her ability to speak about certain topics. By finishing the book, she can be MORE of a player on the national political scene, not less. Not sure why all the so-called political strategists and university poly sci profs the media talks with can’t figure that out.
3. She won’t be limited by the state of Alaska. Alaska has some very, very strict rules about the use of state assets (including human resources) for non-state business. Everytime she has taken a trip , someone shouts out that she is breaking the rules and files another ethics complaint. You don’t hear her jumping in to a national topic unless it relates to Alaska and this is part of the reason. She has to be so very careful she can hardly move from one room to another without justifying it! The liberals would love nothing more than to catch her breaking one of the rules so they can eliminate President Obama’s main 2012 competition. This move allows her freedom she does not have now.
4. She’s Big News for a Week Now. As families get together for a long holiday weekend, Sarah Palin will be the discussion. The big shots in the left wing press will want their chance to attack Palin too, so this will be news on their shows through at least next Wednesday. The more the left hates her, the more Conservative Americans like her. The hatred and stupidity they will spew for the next week will only boost Palin’s popularity.
5. She Can Raise Big Money through SarahPAC. If SarahPAC wants to raise money nationally now, the fundraising letter has to come from Meg Stapleton or someone else on the Palin staff. The most recent one that went out featured Stapleton asking for the help and a letter from Sarah Palin about…Alaska. That’s all she can talk about! Hard to raise money that way. Now she can accept paid speaking engagements, attend fundraisers and start assembling the 2012 warchest! Anyone who is part of the Official Sarah Palin Fan Club will be excited about this move. She can get going now! Here comes Sarah!
6.Feminist Support will Grow. There’s only so much women should take before they get upset about the awful sexism on parade (even from other women like Cokie Roberts) when it comes to Sarah Palin. It will be spewing uncontrollably this week. Moderates and even democrats will get tired of this and defend Sarah Palin, as Andrea Tantaros has done in the past, from these stone age criticisms.
7. This Shows Washington Elite Republicans she is Loyal. By getting out now, it allows the republican lieutenant governor to become governor and run as incumbent for reelection in 2010. If she had stayed and run for reelection, the national socialist-democrats would pour everything in to defeating her. This way she doesn’t have to face any of that.
8.She saves Alaska Money. In recent months, the state of Alaska has spent nearly $300,000 defending the governor from FALSE claims of ethical violations. Despite 13 attempts, Sarah Palin has never been found guilty of any wrongdoing. Still this costs the state money that can be better spent on other things.
9.This demonstrates creativity. All of the “stunned” experts, university types and insiders know how things are done. They are shouting that this is not how things are done. There’s more than one way to get things done. Palin shows creativity, intelligence and leadership with this move. I think it is great that she took the so-called experts (who lost the election for us by putting Palin in a McCainiac Cage) off guard! She has shown that she can with without the good ol’ boys network before. Go Sarah, Go!
10.The move reduces Palin’s personal expenses. The Palin family has racked up nearly half a million dollars in personal legal bills. The huge expense comes from defending herself against the phony attacks made up by Obama 2012. Team Obama is so afraid of this woman they are stopping at nothing to personally attack her and ruin her. We need to rally behind her.
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