Former Gov. Sarah Palin yesterday selflessly showed the sacrifice she was willing to make to help this great nation. She described herself as basically a reluctant warrior for freedom in an interview with Fox News host Glenn Beck.
Yes, she said, she did just sign a multi-year deal with Fox that will require her to spend time in New York, but on the other hand, The Ex-Governor said she would “be perfectly happy to go back to Wasilla, Alaska, with my five children and grandson and raise a happy, healthy family and love the great outdoors and do the things we do in Alaska.”
Palin is writing books, and making speeches and appearances because she believes “that in some capacity I can help this great nation.”
“I’m going to be willing to sacrifice and change some things and my lifestyle in order to serve,” she said. “It doesn’t have to mean, though, top dog. That doesn't have to entail having any kind of title.” Don't say that Sarah! We have a growing army out here that is willing to follow you to "the gates of Hell," if we need to. go Go GO!!!
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