In an interview reported on Politico.com today, Steven Schmidt--John McCain’s top campaign strategist (he did a bang-up job on that)--said that "Sarah Palin was dishonest as the GOP’s vice-presidential nominee" and that her lies have probably fatally damaged her public image.
“There were numerous instances that she said things that were – that were not accurate that ultimately, the campaign had to deal with,” said Steve Schmidt in an interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes. “That opened the door to criticism that she was being untruthful and inaccurate. And I think that is something that continues to this day.”
About the report on the recent ethics investigation of Palin, Schmidt said "she went out and said, you know, ‘This report completely exonerates me,’” Schmidt said. “And in fact, it – it didn’t. You know it’s the equivalent of saying down is up and up is down. It was probably, demonstrably untrue.”
The GOP strategist has previously and frequently criticized the Ex-Governor, but never taken it to the level of questioning her integrity, and never before in the national media. Previously he stuck to leaks and a whispering campaign.
Finally Schmidt admitted “I believe, had she not been on the ticket our margin of defeat would’ve been greater than it would’ve been otherwise.” Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0110/31335.html#ixzz0cHYm4PrY
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