Candance Moore: "Roland Martin went nuclear on former Governor Sarah Palin in a rant clearly inspired by the 'retard' dustup that devolved into a general screed against everything the CNN contributor could think of. Among the lowlights of the piece, Martin: mocked those in 'real America' for being Palin fans; accused her of giving speeches 'full of falsehoods,' and; claimed she was an empty-headed celebrity who wanted nothing more than money. Perhaps this was what Martin had in mind when he encouraged President Obama to go gangsta on Republicans standing in the way. For someone supposedly concerned about partisan bickering, it was rich of Martin to suddenly drop all pretense of being a nonpartisan commentator."
Erick Erickson: "Governor Palin has gone all in with Sean Duffy and Charlie Cook is now saying David Obey is in trouble. Coincidence? Probably not... The refreshing thing about Governor Palin is her willingness to get into contested primaries."
Lynn Sweet: "Several Illinois Republican leaders said if Palin is agreeable -- and used in targeted areas -- she could be a help, especially in the governor's race, where either state Sen. Bill Brady or Sen. Kirk Dillard will face Gov. Quinn. Pat Brady, chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, says Palin 'energizes people...' Palin probably wouldn't play well in Cook and DuPage counties, but, in central and southern Illinois, her stardom could get out the vote."
Elizabeth Hasselbeck (to Evan Bayh): "You sit here and say, 'I'm sick of the partisanship,' yet you throw a cheap Sarah Palin joke in, so I don't really understand or believe you."
Lori Calabrese: "[Ann] Coulter said that since President Obama was elected, 'For the first time in my life, I’m sometimes not proud of my country...' Another Coulter one-liner that received cheers from the packed crowd was when she joked that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has created more jobs than Mr. Obama. 'She’s created at least 11 jobs fact-checking at the AP just for the Palin autobiography,' she said."
Eddie Burke: "Has a Vice-Presidential Candidate's children ever been made fun of and mocked like Sarah Palins have? The answer remains the same: No... Why would they do this? Why is this child a target? Why does this continue? The liberal blogs out there say it's because Sarah has brought 'Trig out on stage.' She has 'exploited Trig.' 'Sarah has used Trig as a political prop.' Are you kidding me? Because a mother is proud of her child and refuses to hide him, they say she's using him? Lets flip the coin and say Sarah never was public with Trig? Then, the 'left' would say Sarah is hiding Trig, and she must be ashamed of him. President Hussein, and his wife march their children out on stage, and people leave them alone. Why? Because conservatives act differently. We are not people who make fun of those who cannot defend themselves."
IOwnTheWorld.com: "I’ve never seen any of [Joy Behar's] show. I don’t know when it’s on. I don’t know where it’s shown. But I see they follow the classic 'fair and balanced' model. A dumb lib host, 2 dumb lib guests, and a conservative guest. Three against one. Too bad Behar effed up. 3 against one is not a fair fight against [Pamela Geller]. Perhaps if they rounded up 20 or 30 more libs one of them could accidentally stumble on an argument that didn’t amount to just saying over and over again – Palin Dumb."

Don Surber: "For Peggy Noonan, the health insurance summit was the end of her Obamacrush, but Noonan wrote: 'Speaker Nancy Pelosi was fascinating, though not because of what she said. She has high energy, an air of pleasure in her life, and always looks like a lady, putting in the time and effort it takes for a busy woman to be chic and attractive. She is like someone who walks into politics each day as if she wants to physically adorn it. This I take to be a patriotic act.' Substitute 'Sarah Palin' for 'Speaker Nancy Pelosi' and see if Noonan still agrees. At least the Nooner is no longer puppy-eyed for The Won."
ClarkKent: "I don’t understand this running gag inside the beltway that Palin is dumb because she’s plain spoken and went to a state university, yet Obama is smart because he went to Harvard, and yet no one has ever seen his grades. Or maybe they have and he ain’t as smart as they say he is. What makes Palin smarter and more aware than Obama is the fact that she openly admits her ups and downs as a college student and how she is willing to learn more as a potential political figure. With Obama, he doesn’t have to learn about anything, he already knows everything."
PrairiePundit: "Beverley McPhail complains about Sarah Palin's feminist credentials in a Houston Chronicle op-ed. Depite the fact that she is a female success story, McPhail says she is not a feminist success story. This is primarily because McPhail equates feminism to liberalism and her complaints about Sarah Palin is that she is not a liberal... Progressives are the fascist side of liberal control freak government who continually push an anti freedom agenda."
Brent Baker: "Sarah Palin sends liberals into irrational frenzies of contempt and, in the case of Bill Maher, fits of condescension which drive him to denigrate anyone 'stupid enough' to see anything good in her."