Sunday, February 7, 2010

Live from Nashville: The Resurrection begins now. Citizen Palin and The Tea Party begin their march to the White House

I attended this past weekend’s National Tea Party Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.  It was one of the most thrilling events, so far, in my comparitively short life. We are witnessing a new Great Awakening.  This time around, it’s America’s politicians and parties.  The politicians have become corrupt and out-of-touch.  And, we the people, are taking back what we have lost, and what has been stolen from us.

Of course, Sarah Palin mesmerized the crowd with her eloquent attacks on overspending, weak national defense, slack morals, and broken promises.  But the heart of her speech was this:

Now, the people are about to reclaim what is rightly theirs.  Change is coming, folks, and it started coming this weekend.   Hurrah and hosannas!  Onward and upward!  As Walt Whitman once wrote:
All power is inherent in the people.”  

Check out the Christian Science Monitor's article on Sarah's Speech: "Sarah Palin's Speech a hit."
Unscrew the locks from the doors!
Unscrew the doors themselves from their jambs!

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