Well, it had to happen, didn't it? I mean, Levi has got to be rolling in the cash now that he's posed in Playgirl?
Bristol Palin, the oldest daughter of Ex-Governor Sarah Palin, sued her one time boyfriend/baby daddy, saying he failed to pay enough child support last year. Levi Johnston, she claims, stiffed her for over $18,000 last year. She also seeks monthly payments going forward.
“Bristol has provided nearly 100 percent of the care and custody for the parties’ child,” her lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, said in a complaint. “Bristol has received only limited and sporadic child support payments from Mr. Johnston.”
Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican VP nominee, as you know, is probably running for President in 2012.
Johnston wrote an article in Vanity Fair’s October edition, in which he portrayed the Palins as a self-absorbed family whose Republican Family Values were marginal at best, and likely nonexistent. Is it payback time?
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