Saturday, February 27, 2010

Meg Stapleton, Palin spokesperson is off the bus

By Mona Goldwater
President Sarah Palin Blog Editor

Earlier this week, Sarah Palin's spokeswoman Meg Stapleton--a close adviser to the former Alaska governor who had an extremely rocky relationship mainstream Republicans and the media--resigned. [1]

Stapleton, who has been Palin's spokesperson since 2006, saying she needed--guess what!?--to spend more time with her husband and young daughter. reported Meg Stapleton saying that serving Palin "has been an honor" but that it is time for her to "refocus my priorities."

Ever since August 2008, when Sarah Palin became the GOP Vice-Presidential candidate, Palin insiders, McCain staffers and Republican Palin fans have whispered, and said in public that Stapleton was in way over her head.  Insiders say she was unable to handle the evermore byzantine task of advising the Ex-Governor who was suddenly under heavy scrutiny from old time pols, bloggers, pundits, and a press people believed was increasingly out to destroy Palin personally and, especially, politically.

It looks like the Ex-Governor is beginning to clean up her staff for her 2012 Presidential campaign.

[1] From Huffington Post earlier in the week: "The list of those banished by Palin is a long one. Some prominent names include: John Bitney, Curtis Smith, Christopher Clark, Bill McAllister and Frank Bailey -- all of whom were thrown under the proverbial bus during Palin's failed and abbreviated governorship of Alaska. Even her most prominent critic in the Last Frontier, Andree McLeod, was once a member in the Palin inner-sanctum. Palin has left a wide swath of human collateral damage in her wake.

"Now add the inimitable Meg Stapleton to the list."



Keekee Brummet said...

Mona - it always scares me those rare moments when Sarah Palin does something that makes political sense. Ths sacking of Meg Stapleton is a couple years overdue, but probably the smart move.

Anonymous said...

This time, Jarak bowed from the waist, his long white ponytail spilling over one shoulder. Radin, however, turned to face her with a bright smile that showed clean white teeth. The bowl and spoon remained, but the girl and infant were nowhere to be seen. Radins mental warning didnt help. Only then did she become aware of the attention of the others in the balcony. Her gifts were not of the same caliber, as they were divinely enhanced. Gala caught Eyrhaen watching them and smiled. She grinned at Eyrhaen, smoothing a hand over the white patterns etched in Hyles chest. She clung to him, wordless in the flood of emotion that took her. Anything but admit she was wrong, even if she now knew she had been. Goddess, the raw physical power of him was intoxicating. I cant apologize any more tonight. I said a lot of things. Tykir fell forward, loosened hair falling forward from his half ponytail to caress her shoulders. Her body shuddered uncontrollably as heat ripped apart her spine. Behind her, Tykir nestled close, his cheek resting on the back of her shoulder. There is no blaming yourself for this, Nialdlye. What would you have done if she hadnt reacted? For the rest of the life Ive been given. She slipped her fingers from his mouth, continuing to pump his cock.