Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Go $arah, Go!

ABC News is reporting that Sarah has eared more than $12,000,000 since leaving office last July. Yowza. She deserves every penny of it. Keep speaking the Truth, Ms Palin, and we'll keep the checks coming!


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gonfrix said...

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Keir said...

Only a complete idiot could support this vile, stupid woman. So bereft of experience, intelligence or ideas is she that she can only communicate through twitter or emails to Glenn Beck. So thoroughly ignorant, so completely out of her depth in anything that requires intellectual rigour that she offers nothing but vacuous, loaded, and purposefully loaded language to incite. Her latest hijacking of the media is the horrific use of the term "blood libel" by which she places herself in the role of victim on the same par as Jews during pogroms. For God,s sake, she believes dinosaurs walked the earth 50,000 years ago! And she's going to intimidate the Chinese?! She is of the same cloth as Joseph Goebbels although lacks any cunning beyond self-promotion. How far the US has degenerated when such nonentities are actually written of as possible leaders of a country of 300 million.