Sunday, February 28, 2010

Quotes on Saran Palin, February, 2010

Andrew Bolt:  "What continually amazes me is that Leftists such as Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane still pride themselves on their greater moral sense... I thought MacFarlane using his show to brand John McCain and Palin as Nazis was already low... But using a politician’s Down Syndrome child as the butt of your jokes is depraved."

Candance Moore:  "Roland Martin went nuclear on former Governor Sarah Palin in a rant clearly inspired by the 'retard' dustup that devolved into a general screed against everything the CNN contributor could think of. Among the lowlights of the piece, Martin: mocked those in 'real America' for being Palin fans; accused her of giving speeches 'full of falsehoods,' and; claimed she was an empty-headed celebrity who wanted nothing more than money. Perhaps this was what Martin had in mind when he encouraged President Obama to go gangsta on Republicans standing in the way. For someone supposedly concerned about partisan bickering, it was rich of Martin to suddenly drop all pretense of being a nonpartisan commentator."

Erick Erickson:  "Governor Palin has gone all in with Sean Duffy and Charlie Cook is now saying David Obey is in trouble. Coincidence? Probably not... The refreshing thing about Governor Palin is her willingness to get into contested primaries."

Lynn Sweet:  "Several Illinois Republican leaders said if Palin is agreeable -- and used in targeted areas -- she could be a help, especially in the governor's race, where either state Sen. Bill Brady or Sen. Kirk Dillard will face Gov. Quinn. Pat Brady, chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, says Palin 'energizes people...' Palin probably wouldn't play well in Cook and DuPage counties, but, in central and southern Illinois, her stardom could get out the vote."

Elizabeth Hasselbeck (to Evan Bayh):  "You sit here and say, 'I'm sick of the partisanship,' yet you throw a cheap Sarah Palin joke in, so I don't really understand or believe you."

Lori Calabrese:  "[Ann] Coulter said that since President Obama was elected, 'For the first time in my life, I’m sometimes not proud of my country...' Another Coulter one-liner that received cheers from the packed crowd was when she joked that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has created more jobs than Mr. Obama. 'She’s created at least 11 jobs fact-checking at the AP just for the Palin autobiography,' she said."

Eddie Burke:  "Has a Vice-Presidential Candidate's children ever been made fun of and mocked like Sarah Palins have? The answer remains the same: No... Why would they do this? Why is this child a target? Why does this continue? The liberal blogs out there say it's because Sarah has brought 'Trig out on stage.' She has 'exploited Trig.' 'Sarah has used Trig as a political prop.' Are you kidding me? Because a mother is proud of her child and refuses to hide him, they say she's using him? Lets flip the coin and say Sarah never was public with Trig? Then, the 'left' would say Sarah is hiding Trig, and she must be ashamed of him. President Hussein, and his wife march their children out on stage, and people leave them alone. Why? Because conservatives act differently. We are not people who make fun of those who cannot defend themselves."   "I’ve never seen any of [Joy Behar's] show. I don’t know when it’s on. I don’t know where it’s shown. But I see they follow the classic 'fair and balanced' model. A dumb lib host, 2 dumb lib guests, and a conservative guest. Three against one. Too bad Behar effed up. 3 against one is not a fair fight against [Pamela Geller]. Perhaps if they rounded up 20 or 30 more libs one of them could accidentally stumble on an argument that didn’t amount to just saying over and over again – Palin Dumb."

Judie Brown:  "Palin is a very public figure and she has ticked off a whole lot of people, not only on the far left but in the Republican Party as well. But the question is, does any of that justify using a special needs child as the foundation for unscrupulous personal attacks? No, not in a civilized country anyway. However, this... latest episode involving Trig Palin and his disability could be the emerging signal that American culture is not to be considered civilized in any way. Perhaps the culture — or at least those who frame the attitudes in the culture — has not been so for many years... Such a disposition suggests that attacks on Down syndrome children are really nothing more than another element in the formula for the American culture's dehumanization of the vulnerable."

Don Surber:  "For Peggy Noonan, the health insurance summit was the end of her Obamacrush, but Noonan wrote: 'Speaker Nancy Pelosi was fascinating, though not because of what she said. She has high energy, an air of pleasure in her life, and always looks like a lady, putting in the time and effort it takes for a busy woman to be chic and attractive. She is like someone who walks into politics each day as if she wants to physically adorn it. This I take to be a patriotic act.' Substitute 'Sarah Palin' for 'Speaker Nancy Pelosi' and see if Noonan still agrees. At least the Nooner is no longer puppy-eyed for The Won."

ClarkKent:  "I don’t understand this running gag inside the beltway that Palin is dumb because she’s plain spoken and went to a state university, yet Obama is smart because he went to Harvard, and yet no one has ever seen his grades. Or maybe they have and he ain’t as smart as they say he is. What makes Palin smarter and more aware than Obama is the fact that she openly admits her ups and downs as a college student and how she is willing to learn more as a potential political figure. With Obama, he doesn’t have to learn about anything, he already knows everything."

PrairiePundit:  "Beverley McPhail complains about Sarah Palin's feminist credentials in a Houston Chronicle op-ed. Depite the fact that she is a female success story, McPhail says she is not a feminist success story. This is primarily because McPhail equates feminism to liberalism and her complaints about Sarah Palin is that she is not a liberal... Progressives are the fascist side of liberal control freak government who continually push an anti freedom agenda."

Brent Baker:  "Sarah Palin sends liberals into irrational frenzies of contempt and, in the case of Bill Maher, fits of condescension which drive him to denigrate anyone 'stupid enough' to see anything good in her."

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Meg Stapleton, Palin spokesperson is off the bus

By Mona Goldwater
President Sarah Palin Blog Editor

Earlier this week, Sarah Palin's spokeswoman Meg Stapleton--a close adviser to the former Alaska governor who had an extremely rocky relationship mainstream Republicans and the media--resigned. [1]

Stapleton, who has been Palin's spokesperson since 2006, saying she needed--guess what!?--to spend more time with her husband and young daughter. reported Meg Stapleton saying that serving Palin "has been an honor" but that it is time for her to "refocus my priorities."

Ever since August 2008, when Sarah Palin became the GOP Vice-Presidential candidate, Palin insiders, McCain staffers and Republican Palin fans have whispered, and said in public that Stapleton was in way over her head.  Insiders say she was unable to handle the evermore byzantine task of advising the Ex-Governor who was suddenly under heavy scrutiny from old time pols, bloggers, pundits, and a press people believed was increasingly out to destroy Palin personally and, especially, politically.

It looks like the Ex-Governor is beginning to clean up her staff for her 2012 Presidential campaign.

[1] From Huffington Post earlier in the week: "The list of those banished by Palin is a long one. Some prominent names include: John Bitney, Curtis Smith, Christopher Clark, Bill McAllister and Frank Bailey -- all of whom were thrown under the proverbial bus during Palin's failed and abbreviated governorship of Alaska. Even her most prominent critic in the Last Frontier, Andree McLeod, was once a member in the Palin inner-sanctum. Palin has left a wide swath of human collateral damage in her wake.

"Now add the inimitable Meg Stapleton to the list."


Friday, February 26, 2010

Sarah Palin presents the facts about the falsehoods at the health care "summit."

Sarah Palin presents the facts about the falsehoods at the health care "summit."

We should be thankful for yesterday’s 7-hour health care summit – it was helpful in that it allowed Americans to hear the fundamental differences in approaches to meeting health care challenges. On one side, commonsense conservatives laid out fiscally-sound, free market-based, patient-centered solutions; and on the left’s side we heard about the Democrat’s belief that growing government is the only way to meet challenges.

As the saying goes, “Everyone is entitled to his opinion, but not his own facts.” When these “facts” concern one-sixth of our economy and something as important to our personal wellbeing as health care, we’d better make sure they are the real deal.

Please take a look at the compilation below from correcting the top five falsehoods from yesterday’s summit. I appreciate their research and revelations compiled here.

- Sarah Palin


If Democrats Would Start Listening To The American People, They’d Stop Telling Falsehoods


Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) Claims “No One Has Talked About Reconciliation.” “No one has said -- I read what the President has online -- no one has talked about reconciliation but that's what you folks have talked about ever since that came out, as if it's something that has never been done before.” (“Transcript: White House Health Summit, Morning Session,” Kaiser Health News, 2/25/10)

But Reid Himself Is Talking About Reconciliation. “Harry Reid’s got a gift for hyperbole – and it keeps on giving. The Senate majority leader’s latest gem came in response to hints that Democrats might try to use the fast-track budget ‘reconciliation’ to bypass a Republican filibuster of President Obama’s health care plan. After advising Republicans on Tuesday to ‘stop crying over reconciliation as if it’s never been done before,’ he ticked off a list of legislative feats he contends were accomplished through the filibuster-busting process: ‘Contract [with] America was done with reconciliation. Tax cuts, done with reconciliation. Medicare, done with reconciliation.’” (Jonathan Allen, “Hyperbolic Harry,” Politico’s “Live Pulse” Blog, 2/24/10)

“For Some Bizarre Reason, During His Initial Presentation, Sen. Reid Said That ‘No One Has Talked About Reconciliation,’ … But That's Obviously Not True. Everybody's Talking About It. And A Lot Of Dems Would Be Pretty Upset If They Weren't Talking About It.” (Josh Marshall, Talking Points Memo’s “Editors Blog” Blog, 2/25/10)

“A Number Of Democratic Senators Have Signed A Letter Urging Reid To Use Reconciliation To Pass The Public Option.” (Eric Zimmermann, “Reid: 'No One Has Talked About Reconciliation,’” The Hill’s “Briefing Room” Blog, 2/25/10)

Obama Health Reform Advisor Says The Door Is Open For Reconciliation. “Linda Douglass, the communications director of the White House Office of Health Reform, left reconciliation on the table as an option for passing a health care bill if Democrats and Republicans don't reach consensus during Thursday's summit. … ‘Certainly if that were not to be the case, he would be asking for a simple up or down majority vote and would certainly hope that the Republicans would not try to block that simple up or down majority vote.’” (Carol Lee & Patrick O’Connor, “Douglass Open To Reconciliation,” Politico’s “44” Blog, 2/25/10)


Obama Claims Americans Don’t Care About Reconciliation. “You know, this issue of reconciliation has been brought up. Again I think the American people aren't always all that interested in procedures inside the Senate. I do think they want a vote on how we’re going to move this forward.” (President Obama, Health Care Summit, Washington, DC, 2/25/10)

But 52% Of Americans Don’t Want The Democrats To Use Reconciliation To Pass Their Government-Run Health Care Experiment. “In the survey, Americans by 52%-39% oppose Senate Democrats using the procedure, which allows a bill to pass with a 51-vote majority rather than the 60 votes needed to end debate.” (Susan Page, “Poll: Expectations Low On Health Summit,” USA Today, 2/25/10)


President Obama Claimed CBO Determined His Plan Would Lower Premiums. PRESIDENT OBAMA: “It's not factually accurate. Here's what the Congressional Budget Office says. The costs for families for the same type of coverage that they're currently receiving would go down 14 percent to 20 percent.” SEN. LAMAR ALEXANDER (R-TN): “The Congressional Budget Office report says that premiums will rise in the individual market as a result of the Senate bill.” PRESIDENT OBAMA: “No, no, no, no. Let me -- and this is an example of where we've got to get our facts straight.” ALEXANDER: “That's my point.” OBAMA: “Well, exactly, so let me -- let me respond to what you just said, Lamar, because it's not factually accurate. Here's what the Congressional Budget Office says. The costs for families for the same type of coverage that they're currently receiving would go down 14 percent to 20 percent.” (President Obama, Health Care Summit, Washington, DC, 2/25/10)

But Actually, CBO Determined The Bill Would Raise Premiums For Americans Purchasing Insurance Individually. “CBO and JCT estimate that the average premium per person covered (including dependents) for new nongroup policies would be about 10 percent to 13 percent higher in 2016 than the average premium for nongroup coverage in that same year under current law.” (Douglas W. Elmendorf, Letter To Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN), 11/30/09)


Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA): “[I]naction And Incrementalism Are Simply Unacceptable.” (Mike Allen, “Will Dr. Obama Go For Plan B-1, Or Plan B-2? -- Dems' Post-Summit Message: POTUS Was 'Thoughtful, Comprehensive,' Rs 'Insulted The Summit' -- New NYT Expose May Finish Gov. Paterson,” Politico’s “Playbook,” 2/25/10)

But 56.4 Percent Of Americans Prefer An Incremental Approach. “Moreover, 56.4 percent of people indicated they would prefer Congress to tackle healthcare reform on a step-by-step basis, not take the comprehensive approach as embodied in the legislation that passed the House and Senate last year but has stalled for the past month.” (Jeffrey Young, “Poll: Most Americans Think Congress Should Start Over On Healthcare,” The Hill’s “Briefing Room” Blog, 2/16/10)


Pelosi Said Abortion Wouldn’t Be Funded Under The Plan. “The law of the land is there is no public funding of abortion and there is no public funding of abortion in these bills and I don't want our listeners or viewers to get the wrong impression from what you said.” (Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Health Care Summit, Washington, DC, 2/25/10)

But The Bill Allows Federally Funded Abortions. “Under the new abortion provisions, states can opt out of allowing plans to cover abortion in the insurance exchanges the bill would set up. The exchanges are designed to serve individuals who lack coverage through their jobs, with most receiving federal subsidies to buy insurance. Enrollees in plans that cover abortion procedures would pay with separate checks -- one for abortion, one for any other health-care services.” (Paul Kane, “To Sway Nelson, A Hard-Won Compromise On Abortion Issue,” The Washington Post, 12/20/10)

Pro-Life Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) Calls Obama’s Abortion Language “Unacceptable.” “Unfortunately, the president’s proposal encompasses the senate language allowing public funding of abortion. The senate language is a significant departure from current law and is unacceptable.” (Ben Smith,” Stupak: “Unacceptable,” Politico’s “Live Pulse” Blog, 2/23/10)

Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) Says 15 To 20 House Dems Who Can’t Support Obama’s Proposal. “Rep. Bart Stupak, the Michigan Democrat who led efforts to tighten abortion language in the House health care bill, said Wednesday morning there are 15 to 20 House Democrats who cannot support President Barack Obama’s effort to bridge the gap between the House and Senate health plans. … He said well over a dozen House members will likely balk, not just on abortion but on the residual tax on so-called Cadillac health plans, which he said the House had already rejected.” (“Stupak: 15-20 Dems Can’t Back Obama Health Plan,” The Wall Street Journal’s “Washington Wire” Blog, 2/24/10)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sarah Palin's cogent analysis of the Obama Health Care Plan: "More of the Same, Only More Expensive"

More of the Same, Only More Expensive

By Sarah Palin

The President can perfume this proposal however he wants, but it still doesn’t pass the smell test.

The President has wrestled control of the health care debate away from Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid by finally introducing his own plan. Unfortunately, the White House’s proposal includes everything we found untenable about the old Senate bill – only this one is even more expensive! This is what you might call putting “perfume on a pig.”

What’s in this “new” proposal? It has the unpopular (and arguably unconstitutional) individual mandate that forces people and employers to purchase health insurance – only this time with much harsher fines on employers who choose not to go along with another expensive government mandate. It has provisions that will make employers think twice before expanding their workforce. It has cuts to Medicare Advantage, a popular program which allows seniors to pay a little more money out of pocket for better coverage. And, of course, it still has sweetheart deals – only this time they’ve been extended even more.

We don’t know what the final long-term cost of this will be because the Congressional Budget Office hasn’t had a chance to calculate costs. We do know that the White House recognizes that its proposal will cost tens of billions more over the next ten years than the already-expensive $2.5 trillion Senate bill. The President promised last July that he won’t sign a health care bill if it “adds even one dime to our deficit over the next decade.” But he’s now proposing a health care bill with uncertain fiscal repercussions that could lead to endless deficits.

The rising cost of care has driven the entire health care reform debate. So how does the President’s proposal address this central issue? Price controls. That’s right: Washington, D.C. wants to give a panel of bureaucrats the power to cap insurance premiums and prices. As Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute notes, “artificially limiting premium growth allows the government to curtail spending while leaving the dirty work of withholding medical care to private insurers.” This leads to rationing. Any economist worth his salt – including the White House’s own Larry Summers – will tell you that price controls lead to all sorts of negative unintended consequences. It’s another step towards government controlled health care and away from the real solution: free market, patient-centered reform.

With a government-growing proposal this bad, it’s no wonder the President wants bipartisan cover for it in an election year. Thursday’s health care summit is already being revealed as little more than a photo-op. The Obama administration still denies the existence of the House Republicans’ health care plan that offers alternative solutions to health care challenges – even though the White House website links right to it.

The President’s proposal doesn’t include pro-free market ideas like allowing people to buy insurance across state lines, giving individual buyers the same tax benefits as those who get insurance through their employers, or instituting real medical liability reform. Despite the “kumbaya” rhetoric, Democrats are making plans to ram this bill through the Senate using a partisan procedural maneuver that will bypass the normal bipartisan debate process.

In the meantime, the White House will continue to ignore Republican reform ideas and cast the GOP as the party of no. That’s a hard sell considering that Democrats still hold the majority in the House and Senate. The only real “gridlock” preventing Democrats from doing what they want is the very real threat of America's voice being heard at the ballot box.

The public is clearly opposed to the Democrats’ health care bills. Americans want to scrap these big-government plans and start over with common-sense, incremental reform. Some on the left have urged Democrats to vote for Obamacare because it’s a foot in the door for universal health care. They understand what’s at stake; so should the rest of us.

The President can perfume this proposal however he wants, but it still doesn’t pass the smell test. Washington should listen to Americans now, or Washington will hear us in November.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jay Leno going rogue with The Ex Governor?

Kevin Fobbs, founder and president of a policy organization called National Urban Policy Action Council, writes:

Sarah Palin will not only help to re-launch Jay Leno's second stint as The Tonight Show host but will serve as an example for other conservatives and those leaders in the Tea Party Patriot movement that late night can be a welcome home for its supporters and viewers.

There are of course the naysayers on the left coast who believe that Jay Leno's booking of Sarah Palin on The Tonight Show in such a high visibility slot only gives credence and support for a possible positioning of a run for the presidency in 2012 as well as a confirmation, of sorts, of the array of traditional values that she and conservatives hold dear.

Yet what is startling for some is the possibility that again, Sarah Palin is showing that it is the quality of her character and the widespread appeal she has to Americans that confuses her detractors. She appeals to those who live not just in the middle of the country, which has been traditionally considered the heartland, but also reaches into the neighborhoods and homes of residents on both coasts.
Stay tuned!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sarah Palin's Body Double??

click to enlarge

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A.B. Stoddard retracts her lies about Sarah Palin

A.B. Stoddard from The Hill joins the growing list of journalists and pundits that have been forced to  retract erroneous articles they have promulgated about Governor Palin.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Obama, enviro-extremist, according to Sarah Palin: "Global Warming – More Like a Snow Job"

In a recent Facebook posting, the Ex-Governor takes on the President on "global warming."  Who better to give an authoritative opinion than a journalist who has lived in Alaska her entire life?

Over the last few months, and even again today, very unsettling revelations have come to light about the “settled science” of man-made global warming. With all of these shoes dropping you’d think every member of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) would be barefoot by now.

One thing after another keeps popping up to further discredit the theory of man-made global warming. The IPCC’s supposedly definitive report proving the theory is riddled with serious errors. The organization has been publicly chastised by everyone from its former chair to the heads of the UK’s biggest funder of climate research and Greenpeace UK. One of the world’s top climate change scientists, Prof. Phil Jones, has conceded that there’s been no significant warming since 1995; that the medieval period may have been warmer than today; and that he’s had trouble even keeping track of raw data crucial to the global warming theory. Yet President Obama still seeks to create a federal office for global warming, and they’re still talking about mandating their cap-and-tax plan that's based on discredited data.
The Obama administration’s environmental extremism also shows up in its aversion to oil and gas development. A true all-of-the-above approach to energy would mean allowing oil and gas explorers to drill here and drill now because America has the proven reserves needed to meet our energy challenges. A new industry study reveals that the federal government's current restrictions on oil and gas drilling in Alaska and off the U.S. coastline will cost us $2.36 trillion through 2029. Think of the millions of U.S. jobs we could create, and how much more secure America would be, if we had a true free market approach to energy independence that allowed us to finally drill!

And though I applaud the President’s newly declared interest in nuclear power, it should be noted that he’s merely following through on loan guarantees authorized during the prior administration. What’s more, while the White House now touts the building of new nuclear power plants, its budget inexplicably calls for cutting funding to the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. A real nuclear energy plan requires a strategy for dealing with nuclear waste storage and recycling.
The man-made global warming hysteria isn’t based on sound science, and the Obama administration’s energy policy isn’t based on sound economics. If the climategate revelations teach us anything, it’s that we need to cool down the rhetoric and fire up our common sense.

- Sarah Palin

Thursday, February 18, 2010

One more sure sign something's not right: Sir Elton John says Jesus was gay

Jesus was gay, according to Sir Elton John.  The singer makes this controversial claim about the Lord in an interview that is sure to inspire CD burnings, and worse.  And he did it in--unbelievable--America's Favorite Magazine, Parade!   Please someone, save us from ourselves.

"I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems,” he told Parade. “On the cross, he forgave the people who crucified him. Jesus wanted us to be loving and forgiving. I don't know what makes people so cruel. Try being a gay woman in the Middle East — you're as good as dead."


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Remembering when Sarah Palin swept onto the national stage

Want to know how Sarah Palin has changed the election dynamic?  Can you forget how she stunned and energized the folks at the 2008 Republican National Convention?  Listen to ths to remember why!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sarah Palin a star at Daytona

Palin-mania almost surpassed hot rod fever at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Fla., on Sunday.  As the VIP guest at the race, Palin was showered with love and attention. When she arrived for the drivers' meeting, Palin was mobbed. She briefly chatted with Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, shook hands with supporters and smiled for everyone.  After sitting through the meeting, Palin could not get out the door. Fans mobbed her, asking for pictures and autographs.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Drill here, drill now": Sarah Congratulates Alaska and Exxon

Alaska Steps Forward Towards Energy Security
By Ex-Governor Sarah Palin,
Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 11:29am from the Sarah Palin Facebook feed

Congratulations are due Exxon and the State of Alaska’s Department of Natural Resources for completing the first development well at Point Thomson in northern Alaska. This is a huge field full of domestic crude, and it’s time to drill for it!

This week we’ve witnessed great progress toward more energy security for Alaska and our entire nation. What began as hefty trucks and hard working men and women heading up an ice road last year, to the commencement of drilling at Point Thomson, this progress has finally led to Exxon’s announcement today of completion of its first development well to produce oil and gas. Our “tough stance” with big oil and perseverance in insisting that Alaska’s resources be developed instead of warehoused while foreign countries are busy developing their oil and gas reserves has paid off to the benefit of everyone involved.

Drill here, drill now... energy independence is a national security issue that can’t be ignored any longer.

- Sarah Palin

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Taking up a collection for President Obama

On my way back to my hotel in Washington, D.C., I was caught in a hellish traffic jam.  I asked a cop walking between cars "hey, what's the hold-up?"

The officer said "the President is depressed.  He stopped his motorcade and threatened to douse himself with gasoline and torch it.  He says no one believes his stories about the war in Afghanistan, or that his stimulus money will help anyone except corporations.  His health plan is a joke.  Even the press is pling on now, he said.  So, anyhow, we're taking up a collection for him."

"How much have you got so far?" I asked.

The officer replied, "About 14 gallons, but I think a lot of folks are still siphoning."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Meet The Press! The staff of the President Sarah Palin blog

Phil "The Rock" Rockington

Geraldine Prescott

Mona Goldwater

And you, our thousands of fans!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's time for you naysayers

Has there been a more talked about stolen glance since George H.W. Bush looked at his wristwatch during a 1992 debate with Bill Clinton?  Probably not.   As Really? As the admittedly left of center (e.g., a Gorbechev/Marx Democrat) Pablo Fanque pointed out, on All This Is That recently, the fact she pulled off an hour long speech with a few words written in Sharpie tells it all.  She is a force to be reckoed with.   Democrats are whimpering in the corner.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Book of Sarah!

The Book of Sarah is a reference website containing well over 3,700 active links to news stories, press releases, photos, videos, MP3s, PDFs, blog posts and websites about Alaska's remarkable Sarah Heath Palin. It's not yet a database, because we haven't used tags to put the information in searchable form. That will come later. For the time being, we are collecting the information and organizing it chronologically.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Mountain From A Molehill: Sarah Palin's palm reading

Citizen Palin may well be indicating here
the approximate size of Chris Matthew's

Chris Matthews seemed like he was about to blow every valve in his heart when he got ranting about the Sarah Palin "palm reading" controversy. Let's face it folks, Matthews iw beginning to sound every bit as overwraught and hysterical as his station-mate Keith Olberman. 

He went into a long rant Monday night.  A very long rant.  "Come on folks," as Sarah might say..."get over it."

Here is just the prelude to Matthew's invective last night:

Can a palm reader be president? What do we think of kids in school who write stuff on their hands to get through a test? What do we think of a would-be political leader who does it to look like she`s speaking without notes? What do we think of Sarah Palin this weekend answering pre-screened questions from a like-minded audience in Nashville, a tea party convention, and still having to put a cheat sheet on her palm to answer what she calls the basics of her beliefs? How can someone presume to be auditioning for president when they can`t even answer questions they know are coming?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Live from Nashville: The Resurrection begins now. Citizen Palin and The Tea Party begin their march to the White House

I attended this past weekend’s National Tea Party Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.  It was one of the most thrilling events, so far, in my comparitively short life. We are witnessing a new Great Awakening.  This time around, it’s America’s politicians and parties.  The politicians have become corrupt and out-of-touch.  And, we the people, are taking back what we have lost, and what has been stolen from us.

Of course, Sarah Palin mesmerized the crowd with her eloquent attacks on overspending, weak national defense, slack morals, and broken promises.  But the heart of her speech was this:

Now, the people are about to reclaim what is rightly theirs.  Change is coming, folks, and it started coming this weekend.   Hurrah and hosannas!  Onward and upward!  As Walt Whitman once wrote:
All power is inherent in the people.”  

Check out the Christian Science Monitor's article on Sarah's Speech: "Sarah Palin's Speech a hit."
Unscrew the locks from the doors!
Unscrew the doors themselves from their jambs!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Keep That Horn-Dog Away From My Gal!

The web is buzzing with whispers, innuendo and lies. Several sources are reporting that Breck-boy has eyes for our Sarah. Part of being a public figure is putting-up with nonsense, but this is incredible. And shameful. Grow up, America!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Animals are Meat: Get Over It!

For crying out loud! How stupid can liberals be? Apparently, this stupid:
History professor Andrew Hunt has set himself the task of convincing Sarah Palin to turn vegan. An article by Greg Mercer in the February 2 Record says that Hunt, an American-Canadian dual citizen and recent convert to veganism after some 40 years of eating meat, plans to send a new letter every week for a year to the outspokenly carnivorous former Republican vice-presidential candidate. "He plans to write about animal rights, health benefits of veganism, personal anecdotes about his own experience and even recipes. . . . ‘I intend to send them to her very religiously. I intend to persuade her that this is a much better way,’ Hunt said. ’I intend to write them as if I'm sitting at the dinner table with her.’" He plans to eventually publish the letters as a book and donate the proceeds to animal sanctuaries.

I thought I had heard it all when Prince Barack installed the veggie garden in front of the white house, but this takes the cake. As Sarah said in her book, "I love meat. I eat pork chops, thick bacon-burgers, and the seared fatty edges of a medium-well-done steak. But I especially love moose and caribou." 

Pass the tempeh - NOT!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

This Weekend Sarah Headlines The Tea Party In Nashville -- tune in and watch, and jump on the internet

There will be coverage everywhere as Sarah rocks the Tea Party to end all Tea Parties!  Tune in, and surf in!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

We're Digging Ourselves Into a Hole, People. And Sarah Explains How Barack Is Holding The Shovel

The White House recently announced its pricey Childhood Obesity Initiative to tell us what we should feed our kids. Helpful I’m sure – but most Americans would rather see government focus on other important areas right now. We know what our kids should eat: more healthy food, less junk food. There – we just saved Washington a ton of money by announcing that finding on personal responsibility.

What does demand our full attention is the newly released $3,800,000,000,000 federal budget. The president and Congress have a huge job tackling the problem staring right at us as we look at a budget we obviously can’t afford. America’s freedom and security are endangered as we become beholden to other nations, thanks to ballooning deficits and debt. One congressman just warned that our nation may become insolvent if we don’t make better decisions starting now. As noted in a New York Times article today, unless “miraculous growth” or miraculous unforeseen change is on the horizon, America’s freedom, influence, and security will continue to erode. (Personally, at this point I believe it wouldn’t hurt to ramp up our nation’s humble request for the divine miraculous change and wisdom we’ll need to see us through.)

Getting our arms around this will take all of us working together, making sacrifices, taking more personal responsibility, and sending elected leaders to Washington that we can trust. That’s why some of us may come across as strident in our efforts to call out the White House and Congress. We want to trust you, Washington; we want to work with you, but we cannot stomach some of the things being rammed down our throats. Your actions to pile on more debt make no sense, so we must question your motives and intentions. For instance, there’s just no room for expensive, dangerous, and unsustainable new initiatives like Obamacare, Cap and Tax, and a dramatically expanded federal payroll. These government-growing proposals will obviously cause more problems than they’ll solve. They are just further steps towards insolvency.

Steps towards insolvency are steps away from freedom. They’re steps towards destruction. It’s the reason we ask why we should swallow what's coming out of Washington.

The Wall Street Journal has a brilliant column by Gerald Seib today. It reads in part:

The U.S. government this year will borrow one of every three dollars it spends, with many of those funds coming from foreign countries. That weakens America’s standing and its freedom to act; strengthens China and other world powers including cash-rich oil producers; puts long-term defense spending at risk; undermines the power of the American system as a model for developing countries; and reduces the aura of power that has been a great intangible asset for presidents for more than a century.

“We’ve reached a point now where there’s an intimate link between our solvency and our national security,” says Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations and a senior national-security adviser in both the first and second Bush presidencies. “What’s so discouraging is that our domestic politics don’t seem to be up to the challenge. And the whole world is watching.”

In the 21st-century world order, the classic, narrow definition of national-security threats already has expanded in ways that make traditional foreign-policy thinking antiquated. The list of American security concerns now includes dependence on foreign oil and global warming, for example.

Consider just four of the ways that budget deficits also threaten American’s national security:

• They make America vulnerable to foreign pressures.

The U.S. has about $7.5 trillion in accumulated debt held by the public, about half of that in the hands of investors abroad.

Aside from the fact that each American next year will chip in more than $800 just to pay interest on this debt, that situation means America’s government is dependent on the largesse of foreign creditors and subject to the whims of international financial markets. A foreign government, through the actions of its central bank, could put pressure on the U.S. in a way its military never could. Even under a more benign scenario, a debt-ridden U.S. is vulnerable to a run on the American dollar that begins abroad.

Either way, Mr. Haass says, “it reduces our independence.”

• Chinese power is growing as a result.

A lot of the deficit is being financed by China, which is selling the U.S. many billions of dollars of manufactured goods, then lending the accumulated dollars back to the U.S. The IOUs are stacking up in Beijing.

So far this has been a mutually beneficial arrangement, but it is slowly increasing Chinese leverage over American consumers and the American government. At some point, the U.S. may have to bend its policies before either an implicit or explicit Chinese threat to stop the merry-go-round.

Just this weekend, for example, the U.S. angered China by agreeing to sell Taiwan $6.4 billion in arms. At some point, will the U.S. face economic servitude to China that would make such a policy decision impossible?

Please read the rest of Seib’s column here. Our out-of-control spending is weakening our country. We can no longer afford to kick the can down the road to the next generation. We need to have a serious discussion about our spending priorities before it's too late. Commonsense conservatives have a sincere desire to work with the White House on these challenges, and we’re thankful for those in Congress making the offer to help.

- Sarah Palin

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In one year, Obama packs on the freshman trillion

On Jan. 20, 2009, President Obama took the oath of office as our 44th president amid unparalleled excitement about his promises for change. On Jan. 20, 2010, Americans are saying, “Keep the change.” What a difference a year makes, said U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland today.  Read the story.

Fire Rahm Emanuel Now!

To quote Three Dog Night:

"How can people be so heartless
How can people be so cruel
Easy to be hard
Easy to be cold"
Rahm Emanuel, the Obama Administration's Chief of Staff scolded liberal activists, calling them, "F—-ing retarded," according to several participants, as reported in the Wall Street Journal.

It's hard to disagree with Mr Emanuel's sentiment, but how can he look himself in the mirror after a heartless comment like that?

"Just as we'd be appalled if any public figure of Rahm's stature ever used the 'N-word' or other such inappropriate language, Rahm's slur on all God's children with cognitive and developmental disabilities -- and the people who love them -- is unacceptable, and it's heartbreaking," Palin wrote on her Facebook page. Palin's son has Down's Syndrome.

I wonder what would happen if a conservative used the word "colored" - I bet the liberal media would go crazy!

Hate-monger Mike Murphy signs on to Meg Whitman campaign team

John Hawkins posted an excellent piece at Right Wing News today: "One the worst of McCain's staffers was Mike Murphy, who ripped on Sarah Palin like it was his new job. Where was the loyalty to the campaign? Where was the respect for all the conservatives that thought choosing Sarah Palin was the best move McCain made in the entire campaign?"

"So when Meg Whitman, who's running for governor, chose to hire Mike Murphy, what does it say?"

Yeah. No, no, look, she has a constituency. She'll never be the nominee, I totally agree with David. I agree with Steve Schmidt, it would be actually a disaster if she was the nominee. I do wish my friend Steve felt that a year ago when a lot of people were asking John McCain to put her on the ticket. - Mike Murphy
"It says that she holds Sarah Palin's many fans in the Republican party in absolute contempt. She thinks so little of them and feels their support is so unwanted for her campaign, that she's going to hire a guy like Mike Murphy, who made more of a name for himself trashing Sarah Palin than he did working for the McCain campaign."

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sarah Palin’s Daughter Bristol Sues Levi for Child Support

Well, it had to happen, didn't it? I mean, Levi has got to be rolling in the cash now that he's posed in Playgirl?

Bristol Palin, the oldest daughter of Ex-Governor Sarah Palin, sued her one time boyfriend/baby daddy, saying he failed to pay enough child support last year. Levi Johnston, she claims, stiffed her for over $18,000 last year. She also seeks monthly payments going forward.

“Bristol has provided nearly 100 percent of the care and custody for the parties’ child,” her lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, said in a complaint. “Bristol has received only limited and sporadic child support payments from Mr. Johnston.”

Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican VP nominee, as you know, is probably running for President in 2012.

Johnston wrote an article in Vanity Fair’s October edition, in which he portrayed the Palins as a self-absorbed family whose Republican Family Values were marginal at best, and likely nonexistent. Is it payback time?