Monday, February 8, 2010

Mountain From A Molehill: Sarah Palin's palm reading

Citizen Palin may well be indicating here
the approximate size of Chris Matthew's

Chris Matthews seemed like he was about to blow every valve in his heart when he got ranting about the Sarah Palin "palm reading" controversy. Let's face it folks, Matthews iw beginning to sound every bit as overwraught and hysterical as his station-mate Keith Olberman. 

He went into a long rant Monday night.  A very long rant.  "Come on folks," as Sarah might say..."get over it."

Here is just the prelude to Matthew's invective last night:

Can a palm reader be president? What do we think of kids in school who write stuff on their hands to get through a test? What do we think of a would-be political leader who does it to look like she`s speaking without notes? What do we think of Sarah Palin this weekend answering pre-screened questions from a like-minded audience in Nashville, a tea party convention, and still having to put a cheat sheet on her palm to answer what she calls the basics of her beliefs? How can someone presume to be auditioning for president when they can`t even answer questions they know are coming?

1 comment:

Stephen Clarke-Willson, Ph.D. said...

Man, she should be a hero for giving an hour long speech from three bullet points scribbled on her hand. I wish I could do that.