Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Going Rogue, not Going Rouge!!!

click to enlarge

Going Rouge is a shamelessly slanted liberal assemblage of half-baked essays and thinly veiled, libelous attacks on that great American, Sarah Palin. It is laughably described in the Huffington Post as "An alternative, liberal judgment of Sarah Palin's legacy."

"Going Rouge: An American Nightmare" was conceived by Richard Kim and Betsy Reed, liberal editors at the progressive (!!) magazine The Nation. The books have nearly similar titles, and similar covers, both showing the Ex-Governor smiling into the distance.

"The cover is a parody of hers and it certainly takes some shots and mocks Sarah Palin, but it is a very serious book and the book itself is not a parody," Kim told POLITICO.

I agree with them on that point. This is not a parody at all, but a book of cheap shots, personal attacks, and hysterical caterwauling by the high-strung liberal press. As Going Rogue surfs along the best-seller lists, Going Rouge is, of course, languishing in well-deserved obscurity.

In a better world, the authors would be jailed, and just maybe sent to Guantanamo.

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