Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sarah rips into Huck

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Sarah Palin says former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee made a “horrible decision nine years ago in granting clemency to a man suspected of killing four police officers two weeks ago in Washington state.

“It was a bad decision obviously, but my heart goes out to Huckabee,” the former Alaska governor said of her potential 2012 GOP presidential rival during an interview Monday with conservative radio host Lars Larson. “I love him, and I feel bad for him to be in this position. But I feel even worse for the victims’ families in this situation.”

In 2000, Huckabee granted clemency to Maurice Clemmons, the suspected killer of four police officers. He had served 11 years in prison after being sentenced as a teenager to 108 years on burglary, theft and other felony charges. Clemmons was shot and killed by a police officer investigating a stolen car.

Huckabee defends his decision, arguing that while he clearly would not have granted the man clemency with knowledge of what would happen, if presented the same evidence today he’d probably take similar action.

As governor of Alaska, she said she had never been in the position of having to grant a prisoner clemency, adding that “most Alaskans know me well enough to know that I don’t have a whole lot of mercy for the bad guys.”
“I’m on the good guys’s side,” she said.

1 comment:

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