Thursday, December 17, 2009

President Obama is inspired by, and borrows from, Sarah Palin's book "Going Rogue" in his Nobel Speech!

President Obama's Nobel speech is further evidence of the wisdom and vision of Sarah Palin. Contrary to what the liberal hand-wringers and armchair pundits tell you, Sarah Palin is at the core of the real change that is about to sweep across this great land. Speaking about The President's Nobel Prize speech, Sarah Palin said “I liked what he said." Ex-Governor Palin told USA Today "Of course, war is the last thing I believe any American wants to engage in, but it's necessary. We have to stop these terrorists."

In the USA Today interview, our hero said that Mr. Obama's speech echoed the thoughts she penned in her memoir, "Going Rogue." "I liked what he said. In fact, I thumbed through my book quickly this morning, saying, 'Wow, that really sounded familiar,'" Palin said. "I talked in my book, too, about the fallen nature of man and why war is necessary at times, and history's lessons when it comes to knowing when it is when we engage in warfare." She added, "A lot of Americans right now are getting to read my take on when war is necessary."

The former Alaska governor has tapped into a motherlode of conservative anger that continues to be a problem for the current members of Congress, both Democrat and Republican. Palin told USA Today that her political action committee SarahPAC will help candidates in next year's midterm elections who share "economically conservative principles" and her "commitment to win the war against terrorists" and who put ideology above party loyalty.

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